Tuesday, October 15, 2013



I have been listening to this song while I have been training for the marathon. It has been one of those songs that kicks my pace up a notch & I feel like I am passing everyone else in front of me during the race. Most of the time I am the only one out on the roads & just look a little silly...but its fun to pretend:)

Sunday morning my alarm clock went off at 4:45 am & the day had come that I would overcome an inner fear of mine after what happened a few years ago in Dallas. It was a beautiful fall morning in Chicago & the marathon was within my reach.

Once we crossed the starting line a rush of adrenaline overflowed & we were off. The first few miles were a blur considering the large mass of people we were maneuvering through to keep pace & suddenly we were at mile 5. As we came up to a bridge this song was blasting from a tent nearby. I remember telling Erica that we had already become overcomers but lets sing this song again at mile 25 in case we doubt ourselves too! ha!

     There were so many awesome people cheering us on throughout the whole race. We even had our own fans following us around that day! Our husbands Jeremy & Mark, plus, our friend, Amanda, were the best. Seeing familiar faces always makes you push a little harder. We were able to see them multiple times throughout the race.

 Mile 9 our friends from Lululemon were cheering us on with their awesome dance party. Mile 15-20 I checked out mentally & was just running on a high. Mile 20-23 were blah & by mile 24 we could see the end in sight! About mile 24.5 the cupid shuffle song came on & my legs got a little stronger. No, not because I just love the song but I love the little boy who use to bust out in dance at the baseball games during this song. I started dancing ridiculously like Jace. By this point in the race you really don't care what others think!  Then, another half to a mile later another "Jace song" came on & I wanted to dance & cry all at the same time. Something about thinking of your kids & showing them that they can push themselves to reach their goals is priceless. Ok, maybe I am just that emotional at that point that almost anything made me cry? Who knows. It was an emotional day!

 Anyway, mile 26 Erica reminded me that this wasn't hard. Carrying a bucket of water for 3 miles on my head down a hill in over 100 degree weather with my babies waiting on me is hard. How dare we quit now. So, we didn't. All I could think about was the women in Haiti who do anything & everything to take care of their families. I could see their faces staring at me like they did as we drove by in our tap tap. I saw the mom who joyfully washed her kids clothes in a bucket full of dirty water while singing so pretty. Needles to say, we picked up the pace & pressed on towards the finish line! Wow! What a rush!

Call me crazy but I will definitely be doing that again! :)

What is your marathon? What is something in your life that you feel you just can't beat? Decide today that you too will persevere!

My end of the year running goals:
Tulsa Run 15k
Route 66 Half Marathon
Dallas Half Marathon

Saturday, October 5, 2013

My Running Journey: From the beginning.

My baby girl (Jaylee),  myself, Grams (Darla), Knocked^Runner (Meg), handsome nephew (Grayson) & our rockstar cousin (Brenda)

           My awesome sister-in-law asked me to share my running journey on her blog this week. I was so honored to share my story with her followers! I am beyond excited about where my running journey is taking me to next. A week from Sunday I will be running the Chicago Marathon! I will be blogging this week about some details coming up & some personal goals! I thought it would be appropriate to share my story on my own blog so here it goes :)

****If you haven't followed Megan's (sister-in-law) blog yet please go do so! You can find it here!

Well, I guess I will start from the beginning...

Growing up I played multiple sports & most of the time running was a punishment so, therefore, it was not something I ever really looked forward to doing... at all.  It wasn't until college that I really learned to embrace running. I didn't go overboard in the beginning by any means. I would run 3-4 miles at a time, max. It wasn't until after having our first son, Jace, that I really jumped in with both feet to the running world.

During both of my pregnancies I stayed very active & ran almost throughout the whole 9 months. I have to say though, working out for the first few times post baby was the hardest thing I have ever had to do . I couldn't sit on the toilet for weeks! Seriously, high fives for all you momma's out there that get out there & work out after having a baby! Its not easy but let me tell you something… its so worth it! Way to go!! (insert those high fives here)

After finishing my first 5k post baby I realized that there isn't anything much better than seeing your babies at the finish line. I believe it represents more than just a good run but being a leader. You might not be a mom yet & that's ok. You are inspiring friends, family, co-workers, etc. & maybe someday your babies. For all you momma's out there you might be able to relate to me. It allows me to show my kids work ethic, endurance, passion, mental toughness, sacrifices, healthy & active lifestyle, self discipline., etc. I know that every time I lace up my shoes to go for a run that little eyes will be watching me. My son, Jace, who is 3 yrs old now loves to tell people when they ask us what we do that we "run" in our family. Although, most people mean occupation with that question it makes for a good laugh & secretly makes this momma proud! 

My first full marathon was a complete disaster… or so I thought. I got the first stage of hypothermia at mile 20 & was pulled off the race due to my conditions. It was humiliating to say the least. What I found though was that it didn't make me the failure I felt I had become. It was an opportunity to show my son & others that just because you get knocked down doesn't mean you can't get back up. You aren't a failure when you are knocked down but when you quit. I wasn't quitting. On October 13th, 2013 I will be running a full marathon again & will be crossing the finish line. I so badly wanted to throw in my "mommy running towel" after my first experience with a full marathon but chose not to give up. Wherever you are in life right now remember that just because you have a set back doesn't make you a failure. If you ate that piece of cake or missed your run or whatever it might be do better tomorrow. Make a small shift & get focused again! You can do it!

"You aren't big steps from anything, only small shifts from everything." -Keith Kochner

Not only do I run to influence my kids & others but I run for myself. I have learned to embrace the long runs & allow this time of running to be "me time". Most days I don't even get to go to the bathroom alone so going for a run is a treat. Can I get an amen mom's?  Sometimes I run with music & other times I let it be quiet. When I get my run in for the day I feel as if I am better for it. Lately I have enjoyed running my long runs on the weekends with friends. It's been a great way to pass time & have someone push you to finish what you set out to get done that day! Or just to make sure you wake up & get there! :) 

Running is something that I don't ever want to take lightly.  I love the diversity of a race & the simple miles around my neighborhood. I love the adrenaline of running with people cheering you on for 26.2 miles & the stillness of the mornings when no one else is awake yet. It doesn't matter how far or how slow you go, you still lapped someone today who didn't get out & do it! I hope that this post inspires you to get going, keep going, or be confident in where you are going!  If you are a mom my prayer is that you are inspired to influence your kids in a positive way with your actions & not just words. It doesn't have to be running but remember that you are their biggest influence & their little eyes are watching you! 

"Tough runs don't last. Tough mothers do!" -Unknown

Sarah Grace